Should Twitter ignore its users?
In an opinion piece published on 8 Feb 2016 the non-news that Twitter is not planning to change part of its service and that those of its users who have been complaining about the rumour of the change have been worrying over nothing.
In the article, the author asks:
But was Dorsey (CEO of Twitter) right to blink in the face of pressure? And should he be “always listening” to his users? That depends on whether you believe the hoariest old cliche of management books: “The customer is always right.”
No, it does not depend on whether or not you believe that cliché. Twitter users are not Twitter’s customers; they are its product. Twitter’s customers are the advertising agencies that are in turn working for their own customers. Of course, if a company (Twitter) loses control of the product (Twitter users) it’s trying to deliver to its customers (the advertisers) then it has a real problem.
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